Helping cats and dogs live their healthiest lives.

About Vet Services

Vet Services

Royal Canin's Vet Services is nutritional expertise in a unique digital service. Gain access to easy to use tools including our daily rationing diet calculator and weight management program tool.

Picture of British Shorthair cat

Smart Reco

Nutrition recommendation made easy. Helps you to conduct nutritional discussion and increase pet owner compliance.

Daily rations made easy

The rationing tool on Vet Services allows you to easily calculate a daily diet ration and cost per day for feeding adult cats and dogs.

Picture of Golden Retriever dog

Individual weight loss programs for clients

The weight management tool allows you to prescribe an individualised weight loss program in under 2 minutes. Track progress of your clients to ensure they reach and maintain a healthy weight in the one easy to use tool!

Picture of British Shorthair cat

Learn more

To learn more about Vet Services, watch our video demonstration or download the brochure below.

Vet services title

Register today

If you would like access to Vet Services, register at Vet Portal below, then come back to this page to register for Vet Services. Your local sales representative will be in touch to discuss. Already have an account? Sign in below.